Personally, I don’t believe in them.
My reason – it is an opportunity for me to fail, which is an added pressure at the start of a New Year. There is enough pressure and stress in this world. Why O why do people put themselves under any more pressure in this world we currently live in. What follows below is a couple of ideas of my own for my goals for 2023. So, understanding my abilities and disabilities, here come some of my goals. If they appear easy for you then great, good on you. However, they will be a challenge for me!
ORGANISATION – this would be two-fold. Firstly, for my office space which needs decluttering and re-organising, especially as it is only a small sized room. Secondly, for the on-going process of converting my garden shed into my own creative space, somewhere to relax, and have a nice cup of tea.
I.T. SUPPORT AND LEARNING – this is huge! To better use computer equipment for easier communication skills, especially via Zoom or Teams. Like many people I struggle with the complexity of computer programmes. If you can learn to use one, then it will change in time (editor’s comment – very annoying)! This is a challenge and a huge frustration to me. It must be to many other people as well.
The use of I.T. is excellent and helpful when it works in a way that I can understand, but somehow it does not always translate into my understanding, or use English words I understand, let alone manage to find some room and stay in my brain. (HeHe) I feel a need to learn and be taught how to use these different programmes as everything we are expected to do in society these days is based around I.T. For those of us who have hidden disabilities it is not easy without professional training. Have you noticed how things are not always the same on the internet when they appear on a different screen! Plus you learn to use a programme, then some bright spark finds a need for you to upgrade for the new version at a cost in time and money! I will be looking at a program by Corel call Photo Paint. This programme may help aid my creativity as a creative Artist without using a camera. My initial inspiration for this was when I attended an exhibition some years ago by David Hockney, whom I found to be an inspiring artist depicting imagery on a tablet or iPad – so I am definitely going to explore it in 2023.
MAINTAINING THE WEBSITE - I want to continue to post new images and blogs.
Here's hoping that I will be able to achieve these three goals for myself, with some help along the way this year. Hopefully to encourage others with their goals as well.