About Us
About Mark
From an early age I enjoyed art and creative opportunities. This I think comes from my mum and her father, who were keen photographers. Family slide shows were a regular event, as they were for many people my age. Something magical about the enormous image projected on the screen. Entry to grandfather’s dark room was such a special event that it remains imprinted in my memory.
I grew up in an age where copies of “Old Masters” appeared everywhere, from table mats and tins to pictures on the wall, and so I was exposed (although unknowingly) to some of the most revered artists. It wasn’t until I watched a BBC TV programme about art, by Sister Wendy, that I realised how important art was in my life, and it has been a passion ever since.
My hope for this website is to share my creativity with others, primarily captured using a camera, in the hope that others will enjoy the images, and may possibly be inspired themselves.
Although this website has been created for Jacquie and myself to share our work, there may also be occasional contributions from our friends. *

*More information about Mark
I am a creative person by nature, which is often the case for people diagnosed with dyslexia. I have also been diagnosed with Asperger’s. These conditions can at times make day to day life difficult. I am fortunate enough to have a wife and a group of friends who provide the help I need in areas where I struggle.
They help me to write, read, and access technology, and it is thanks to their support that Jacquie and I can share our creativity via this website.
Due to Asperger’s I often have difficulty interacting with people, which can prevent me from visiting places that I enjoy. My friends provide the support I need to get out and about whilst Jacquie is at work, and this gives me a more positive outlook on life.
Without the support and encouragement of my wife, family and friends this website would not have come about.
About Jacquie
When I was young my father was a keen amateur photographer who developed and printed his own images in his dark room in the attic. I was fascinated when I had the opportunity to watch him do this. I can’t remember what age I was given my first camera, but I loved having the opportunity to capture happy memories.
I have had a camera ever since. Mark has taught me to see things from different angles and encouraged me to use my camera as a creative tool, in addition to capturing standard memories.

My mother has always enjoyed painting, and as I grew up I remember her attending art classes where she learned different techniques. She is very talented, and has produced a large volume of paintings and pictures in a variety of mediums. I seem to have inherited some of her artistic streak and have always enjoyed being creative. I took art ‘O’- level, and over the years have tried out various creative hobbies.
It is only relatively recently that I have discovered a love for painting in watercolour. I attended my first workshop about 5 years ago, and have attended others when I can. With Mark’s encouragement, I try to paint at least one picture when we go on holiday – it is lovely to look back through the book of memories.
I am very excited that Mark has decided to set up this website, and feel delighted that I will also have the option to share some of my creativity with others.